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Blog Feature

Categories: CRO Best Practices  |  Sales Kickoff  |  Sales Leadership

Driving Revenue Outcomes After Your SKO: 3 Expert Perspectives

The sales kickoff is often one of the biggest investments of the year. The event not only requires budget, it also takes a large share of resources in terms of time and commitment from your go-to-market and enablement teams. That also means our focus is largely on planning and executing the event - but what happens after the SKO? As your teams wrap up the event and start focusing on revenue-driving activities, do you have a plan to ensure that you can drive clear return for this investment in a way that is relevant to your company's top priorities and revenue goals for the year? Force Management has worked with hundreds of organizations to help them execute sales kickoffs that advance their strategic revenue goals. Today, we're calling on insights from three of our veteran facilitators who design, plan and lead kickoff training events that get results. Here are the leadership actions after the sales kickoff that they've seen drive positive business outcomes.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Company Alignment  |  Sales Kickoff  |  Sales Productivity

Company Leaders: What Your Top Performers are Thinking in Your SKO Presentation

As we start the new year, many of us are also launched into SKO season. As a revenue leader, you've invested budget, time and resources into this event - with the assumption that you will see ROI in terms of your strategic revenue goals. Your goal may be to improve upon last year's performance by training up new or underperforming members of the sales team and communicating expectations. The sales kickoff is a prime opportunity to build momentum, right the course and chart the path towards increased sales productivity and revenue. In order to achieve desired levels of growth and productivity, leaders must ensure that their presentation addresses the needs of every member of their sales team.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Economic Change  |  Sales Kickoff  |  Sales Messaging

Start the Year Strong: What Top B2B Revenue Leaders Are Doing Now

The start of the year is an opportunity to capitalize on the mindset of a fresh start. Your revenue teams are setting their goals and habits for the new year, and SKOs and strategy sessions are shifting their approach. The first month or two will be crucial in setting the foundation that will determine your organization’s success this year. Now is the time to lay out a bold strategy and empower your teams to take control of closing bigger deals, stacking pipeline, and driving toward organizational goals. Here are three strategies that leaders are using to start the year strong with a message that delivers ROI and aligns with your broader vision for growth and profitability.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Podcasts

Revenue Builders: Our Top Podcasts of 2024

As we wrap up another year of insightful conversations and invaluable lessons, we're excited to share our top podcast episodes of 2024. The Revenue Builders Podcast has continued to bring you the best in sales strategies, leadership insights, and industry trends, featuring some of the most influential voices in the field. From uncovering the reasons behind failed deals to exploring the journey of sales leadership, our episodes this year have been packed with actionable advice and inspiring stories. Join us as we recap the most listened-to episodes of 2024, each one offering unique perspectives and practical tips to help you excel in your sales career and get your team to the next level of execution. We publish two episodes per week, sharing lessons for sales leaders at all stages of their careers. Make sure to subscribe to the Revenue Builders podcast on your favorite podcast player, so you never miss an episode.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Leadership

Our Most Popular Resources for Sales Leaders in 2024

As we wrap up another year, it's time to reflect on the resources that have resonated most with our sales leadership community. From actionable strategies to insightful discussions, these pieces have provided valuable guidance to help leaders navigate the complexities of sales leadership. Check out our top visited resources of 2024.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Company Alignment  |  Sales Coaching Tools  |  Sales Productivity  |  Scaling Sales

A Revenue Leader's Strategy for Achieving the Next Growth Milestone

The journey from start-up to maturity involves multiple rounds of iteration. Achieving product-market fit and getting your customers to pay and stay are the results of how your product and message adapted to your buyers' needs along the way. Now, reaching that next benchmark means continuing to refine and shift the way your company thinks about and talks about itself in the market. In our work with rapidly growing B2B SaaS and tech organizations, we’ve identified three common components that are crucial for satisfying the growth imperative. Here are three keys for leaders targeting the next revenue milestone:

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