3 Simple Metrics to Validate Command of the Message® Success

3 Simple Metrics to Validate Command of the Message® Success

Categories: Sales Conversation

Measuring success is a key component to any sales transformation initiative. If you begin a sales initiative without setting organizational priorities and accountability, you’ll struggle to create lasting impact.

As a sales leader, we know you want concrete evidence that Command of the Message® is working for your sales organization. As any good sales leader would, you want to know:

  • Is consistent use of our Value Messaging Framework helping us shorten our sales cycles?
  • Is consistent use of C-level language helping uncover higher-level business needs in our sales conversations and gaining us access to C-level buyers
  • Is consistent use of your customer proof points helping you drive more leads and close more opportunities?

We've created a quick and easy checklist, to specifically help sales leaders answer these questions. Our Command of the Message® Benchmark Checklist, 3 Simple Metrics to Validate Command of the Message® Success, outlines three easy metrics that will help you quickly validate how Command of the Message® is driving bottom-line sales results in your organization.  

Validation Metric #1: Shorter Sales Cycles

What You Should Measure:

Average Length of Sales Cycles Over Time

Why It Matters:

Shorter sales cycles translate to closing more sales…faster. It also drives maximum revenue impact from each seller on your team.

Easy Ways to Benchmark: 

  • Start with five on-target sales opportunities that your team closed last quarter. Calculate the number of days in the sales cycle from the time the prospect entered the pipeline to the actual close date. 
  • Look for a pattern of steadily decreasing sales cycle times month-over-month.
  • Continue pulling and tracking example accounts to monitor these metrics over the next few months.

You’ll know pretty quickly if Command of the Message® is helping to shorten your sales cycle. 

How Your Sales Managers Can Help:

Encourage Your Sales Managers To:
  • Coach sellers to drive consistent, value-based sales conversations
  • Support consistent use of the Mantra in every sales conversation
  • Drive the use of Discovery Questions to create customer urgency and prioritization

Ensure Measurable Results

Learn additional checklist metrics that help leaders gauge results they're driving through Command of the Message®.  Check out our Benchmark Checklist, 3 Simple Metrics to Validate Command of the Message® Success.


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