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Blog Feature

Categories: Differentiation  |  Sales Messaging  |  Scaling Sales  |  Unicorn Companies

Becoming a Unicorn Company: What Top Tech Startups do Differently

If you’re a leader in a high-growth tech sector, you’ve probably heard the phrase “unicorn company.” It’s the dream of any tech startup – to reach a valuation of $1 billion without an IPO. But what do companies in this coveted spot have that puts them so far ahead of the competition? Conventional wisdom points to a great product, but we know that’s not the whole story. A great product sets the stage, but sales runs the show – so what can sales leaders in the tech world and beyond learn from the sales process of these standout firms?

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Blog Feature

Categories: Company Alignment  |  Sales Kickoff  |  Sales Productivity

Sales Leaders: What Your Top Performers are Thinking in Your Sales Kickoff Presentation

As we start the new year, many of us are also launched into SKO season. We've been planning for months to create an event that brings the team together, boosts morale and aligns everyone on our organization's priorities for the upcoming year. Often the resulting strategy focuses on training up new or underperforming members of the sales team and communicating expectations to improve productivity in the new year. The sales kickoff is a prime opportunity to build momentum, right the course and chart the path towards increased sales productivity and revenue. In order to achieve desired levels of growth and productivity, leaders must ensure that their presentation addresses the needs of every member of their sales team.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Podcasts

Our Year in Podcasts: Celebrating One Year of Revenue Builders

In February 2022, we published the first episode of Revenue Builders. Veteran sales leaders and friends John Kaplan and John McMahon are passionate about sharing their wealth of knowledge with current and future leaders, and along the years they've rubbed shoulders with some of the most influential and inspiring leaders of the sales world and beyond. The result: a podcast that explores leadership in all its forms, from leading an army to coaching a football team to accelerating industry-transforming growth. What we learned is that sometimes, they're not all that different. As we gear up for a new year of going in the barrel with some of the best, we're looking back on some of our most memorable episodes. Listen to these, then follow the Revenue Builders podcast on your favorite podcast player, so you can easily download, listen and share.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Leadership

Our Most Popular Resources for Sales Leaders in 2022

It's been another year full of unexpected challenges, big wins and learning opportunities. Now is a time to congratulate yourself on this year's journey and gear up for more growth. As we look forward to 2023, we're taking a look back on some of the most powerful lessons we've shared this year.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Podcasts

Latest Podcasts: Leading Together

Leadership is a tough job. Luckily, we don't have to go it alone. This month on Revenue Builders, our guests remind us of the power of the team. Through the story of four very different journeys, these podcast episodes show that humility, mentorship and continuous learning make for more than just great leaders. They create great teams who produce great results. Dig into the episodes below for inspiration on how you can be, and create, better leaders. Listen to the Revenue Builders podcast on your favorite podcast player, so you can easily download, listen and share.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Economic Change  |  Mission Critical Success Series  |  Sales Process

Manage Deals to a Successful Close in a Shifting Economy

This blog is part of our Mission Critical Success Series, where we dive into the strategies leaders are using to execute on mission critical sales objectives during times of economic change. Each week, we will cover a different essential area of sales effectiveness. Check our blog next week for the newest installment, or subscribe for updates straight to your inbox. Buyers are more cautious when the economy is uncertain. If these heightened concerns aren’t identified and addressed early in the sales cycle, deal times may get longer and stalling is more likely as more stakeholders get involved. Sellers need to be able to tie your solution directly to the business outcomes that will capture buy-in from each decision maker.

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