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Blog Feature

Categories: Front-line Managers  |  Sales Planning  |  Sales Process

End of Quarter Sales Results: Three Areas to Assess

The greatest leaders are the ones who never let their team rest on their success, or wallow in defeat. At the end of the quarter, avoid screaming at the scoreboard. The final score only gives you the end result. It doesn’t tell you the whole story. It’s your responsibility as a sales leader to help your team uncover and address execution challenges.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Adoption and Reinforcement

5 Ways Top Sales Organizations Increase Revenue

Creating true change within your sales team, and the revenue results that follow, takes more than a set of spreadsheets and a simple day of training. If you implement a hasty training session, you’ll short-change yourself and your salespeople. Creating organizational change requires time, commitment and a plan for reinforcement that drives lasting results. When done right, a well-thought-out strategic initiative creates transformation in a way that accelerates growth and powers valuable exits for growing companies. Here are five ways sales leaders can create top-performing sales organizations that drive significant bottom-line impacts.

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Categories: Podcasts

Our Latest Podcasts: Differentiate Your Salespeople's Approach

Give your salespeople the knowledge, skills and tools to differentiate their sales approach from tough competition. The past few years have created permanent shifts to the way buyers and sellers approach sales conversations. Regardless, good selling is good selling. Enable your salespeople to differentiate not just what they sell but also how they sell to help them win more opportunities this year. Listen to each episode and share them with your front-line managers and reps. Find our show on your favorite podcast player, so you can easily download, listen and share.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Buyer Alignment  |  Sales Negotiation

Simple Strategies to Increase Win Rates

Whether you've recently launched a sales initiative or are simply looking for ways to support your sales team as the quarter progresses, one thing is certain — you've got numbers to hit. While driving a lasting change to front-line numbers takes consistent effort and leadership, find simple strategies to help your sales reps improve on core areas of sales effectiveness. After all, great selling is great selling. Encouraging reps to hone their sales skills will only further the success of your current initiatives and help your salespeople focus on closing more deals, faster.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Front-line Managers  |  Sales Leadership

How to Create a Strong Blueprint for Your Sales Management Team

Sales managers deserve support from your organization. After the launch of a strategic initiative or sales kickoff, managers can have a significant impact on rep adoption and growth, but their success will relate back to how well they were supported. Start with a clear definition of what good looks like for your front-line managers as they reinforce current initiatives and build top performers. Great companies start with a strong blueprint that includes the processes and tools that enable sales managers to drive success at the team level.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Product-Led Growth  |  Sales Leadership

Product-led Growth: What CROs Prioritize to Drive Critical Outcomes

Product-led growth (PLG) can propel emerging portfolio companies forward. Some of these companies scale that success and significantly reduce time-to-realization, while others face complex sales execution challenges that they aren’t able to overcome. What do successful CROs prioritize to enable their sales organization to achieve critical company outcomes?

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