Sales Training Tips to Help You Reinforce MEDDICC

Sales Training Tips to Help You Reinforce MEDDICC

It’s easy to find a sales training company to help you enable your teams. Google it and you’ll find plenty of options that run the gamut of experience and cost. The challenge lies in finding the right sales transformation solution to help you solve the challenges you’re currently facing and drive the outcomes you need.

If you’re a sales leader, you know that you need to produce sales results. You need a system in place to make sure your reps know how to:

  •       Build pipeline at the territory level and account plan in a way that ensures success
  •       articulate solution value and differentiation
  •       qualify and advance sales opportunities
  •       negotiate on value

Many sales trainings fall flat because they fail to embed the necessary steps before the training to ensure strong reinforcement  afterward. Without reinforcement, the initiative will lose steam the minute the compelling speaker leaves the room.

MEDDICC training engagements often fall victim to this oversight. MEDDICC is a proven sales qualification process that helps a sales team voraciously qualify. What sales leader doesn’t want a system that helps them accurately forecast? MEDDICC gets a lot of buzz. It’s easy to remember. On the surface, it seems simple. However, the true power of MEDDICC lies in the depth and breadth of its application. That’s why having a reinforcement plan when you launch MEDDICC is critically important.

Reinforce MEDDICC Training

Customization and Relevancy

The more you can make a new process relevant to the day-to-day operating rhythm of your team, the more likely it is to stick. For example, consider how the MEDDICC concepts apply to your buyers and how they buy. What additional relevancy can you apply to the Economic Buyer concept? How does this play out in your buying organizations? Are there patterns? Can you provide some application in training that relates to your economic buyers? Perhaps they’re highly influenced by technical buyers or implementation buyers. Is there specific sales training program you can provide in validating your champions? How will you account for that in your training and reinforcement materials?

Using Technology: By using a platform that allows you to tee up content and sales playbooks to sellers at specific stages of the buying process, you can ensure that you’re making MEDDICC relevant to your sellers’ sales execution process.


Anytime you want to change a process or launch new tools, it's important that you approach that training as a change management initiative. It should be clear to the reps and managers what will be different moving forward and how they are expected to change their behaviors. During the training of the methodology, there should also be ample opportunity for reps and managers to practice with MEDDICC and work with their live deals. It can also be helpful to train managers in advance of the reps, so they're able to assist in helping reps maximize the effectiveness of the training event.

Using Technology: Rolling out additional training and content  in your company’s existing tools before training can help give reps the right mindset for the actual training event. Training on  new concepts with the sales training tools they’re already familiar with can further drive relevancy and reinforcement. Here are some examples:

  •       Embedding a video challenge in your sales coaching software on effectively testing a Champion
  •     Using Ascender to provide reps with short content on a daily basis that reinforces complex training concepts
  •      Surfacing training modules and materials within sales reps’ daily workflows and tech stacks by integrating your sales training program to your CRM, sales engagement tools, and email system
Post-Event Adoption

In order to see the return on your investment, make sure you have a defined plan for how you will reinforce MEDDICC after training. Consider the following questions: 

  •       How will you embed MEDDICC components into your CRM?
  •       How will your managers coach reps to fill MEDDICC gaps? How will they provide the “how’"?
  •       How will you ensure your reps use the content and tools to effectively manage the key components of the deal, related to the MEDDICC Concepts? 

Find ways to integrate new methodologies and processes into the tools your sales teams use everyday, and ensure that new content is easily accessible to your reps 24/7. Here are some additional strategies to consider.

Taking the time to consider an effective reinforcement plan ensures you see the results you need from MEDDICC. Companies that are successful at changing qualification habits through MEDDICC see improvement in forecast accuracy, better rep productivity, less stalled deals and higher average deal sizes.

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