Ten Reasons Why Our Sales Training Is Different

Ten Reasons Why Our Sales Training Is Different

Categories: Sales Transformation

There are a lot of sales training organizations out there. It can be difficult to cut through the noise and find the solution that is right for your company. IIn case we haven't worked together yet, here's a look at how the Force Management approach is different and drives success and immediate impact for our customers.  

Below are ten reasons why Force Management sales training is different from others in the marketplace:


1. The content is customized

Our engagement begins long before the training session. We partner with you to dig deep into your current processes, strengths and weaknesses to customize the content and delivery, ensuring it’s relevant to what your revenue teams focus on each day, aligned with their customer conversations and built to deliver results. This customization is why top-performing organizations find Force Management’s solutions worth the investment. 

2. We've been salespeople, sales managers and sales executives

The people we put in front of your executives, managers and reps have sales experience. They know how to command a room and close multi-million-dollar deals. We are adamant about hiring sales experts for our delivery teams because they speak the same language as your reps, managers and executives. 

3. We do the work together

A series of high-impact workshops pulls knowledge from senior members of your relevant teams to create tools you’ll use moving forward. Think of this co-creation as harnessing the power of your braintrust, built for you and by you. Our clients take an active role during the development and rollout of their sales transformation process, ensuring that the content developed for training is consumable and adaptable for their entire organization. Our initiatives aren't something you can delegate. That's how we work together to help your organization drive success. 

Experience tells us the only way your sales initiative will stick is if it has buy-in from leadership. The best way to demonstrate that buy-in to the rest of the organization is by leading from the front. As a leader in your company, you need to be invested in the content, processes and tools that support your team. Your input and involvement ensure everything we do is relevant to your business and buyers. 

4. The learning is in the struggle

The initial Command of the Message® rollout includes exercises and activities designed to challenge and motivate your reps. Practice is crucial to making the methodology work for them. Our philosophy is that we'd rather have them work through it with us than in front of potential customers. Reps work with real live deals in our trainings, so they're prepared to have a buyer-focused business conversation when they're in front of customers.

5. Our process drives alignment

We bring cross-functional leaders together from the start, creating buy-in and alignment across your organization. Their input builds the workshop where content around your value and differentiation is defined, created and vetted. Our methodology drives sales results, but it goes far beyond just the sales team - we incorporate your entire go-to-market organization, ensuring that sales, technical sales, customer success, and marketing all know their role in communicating your value to customers and supporting the engagement process, from first touch to post-sale.

By engaging cross-functional leaders from the start and developing a framework that incorporates the entire GTM function, we help our clients reach an operational rhythm and deliver value across the entire customer lifecycle. That means repeatable wins and lasting customer relationships that drive recurring revenue for your organization.

6. We draft into your current sales initiatives

This is a big differentiator for Force Management. We don't rip out the previous investments you've made. Whether that's in a customer engagement process, our Salesforce integration, a branding initiative, etc..., we draft into your current practices and running initiatives. We specialize in helping your sales teams execute on those initiatives by creating practical and consumable content, processes and tools aligned with your strategic business efforts. Our methodology is not a replacement for your current tools and processes; it’s a framework that allows your team to be more effective within them.

7. Our focus is on practical application

Force Management doesn’t show up with a binder full of new processes and brochures for your team to read and do worksheets on. We know your team has numbers to hit; that’s why our goal is to enable the sales rep to spend their time selling, not add checklists and homework on top of their already busy schedules. Our focus on actionable selling skills requires consumable and practical content and tools that sales teams and account teams can leverage in the field. If you're implementing a selling methodology, it will fall flat if you don't have a way to back up that methodology with practical application. Your reps can read a book, but how will they implement its teachings in the field? Those are the questions we’ve already thought about and answered when your engagement begins.

8. We determine a plan for adoption in advance

We are as focused on what happens the day after training as we are on the actual delivery of the methodology to your organization. What good is a sales initiative if it isn’t adopted and reinforced? We ensure that your leadership team has a plan to inspect, coach and reinforce the new methodology. We use a five-letter acronym called PRIMR to drive this plan.

  • Your initiative has to be a Priority with leadership.
  • It must be Relevant to your organization and your reps' daily activities.
  • It needs to be Integrated into the existing tools and technology that supports the sales organization.
  • The success Measurements of the training program need to be tied to the key performance indicators of the sales organization.
  • Widespread management involvement throughout the project spawns a commitment to Reinforcement.

9. Our solutions scale with your organization

Our methodologies and processes have been refined over decades of working with hundreds of sales organizations of every size. We know how to address the types of challenges that are usually faced by startup, growth, and enterprise-stage companies; we also know the fundamental strategies that drive success regardless of size. We have programs for individual sellers, small teams and enterprise organizations to ensure you can find the right investment for your team.

Our methodology is designed to be a living resource for your team as you grow. We give you the tools and training to onboard new hires, making your leaders and managers experts in applying and coaching to your custom value framework, so you don’t have to have a full training initiative every time you do a hiring round. Many clients choose to bring us back when they have a major shift in their product, structure or external market because they know we can help them adjust their approach to continue executing at scale.

10. We're maniacally focused on results

Our entire engagement is engineered to achieve one goal: driving the measurable outcomes that you want to reach for your sales organization. We set early benchmarks to track our progress toward your goals and partner with you to ensure adoption and continued success. The numbers don’t lie - we’ve helped organizations make complete transformations that result in numbers like a 261% increase in average deal size, 115% increase in ARR, and more than 2x increase in conversion rates. View more of our results.

Even in today’s remote-first world, we take measures to ensure training is engaging, consumable and fully integrated. Learn more about how we approach virtual sales training to ensure results.


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