Categories: CRO Best Practices | Sales Kickoff | Sales Leadership
The sales kickoff is often one of the biggest investments of the year. The event not only requires budget, it also takes a large share of resources in terms of time and commitment from your go-to-market and enablement teams. That also means our focus is largely on planning and executing the event - but what happens after the SKO? As your teams wrap up the event and start focusing on revenue-driving activities, do you have a plan to ensure that you can drive clear return for this investment in a way that is relevant to your company's top priorities and revenue goals for the year? Force Management has worked with hundreds of organizations to help them execute sales kickoffs that advance their strategic revenue goals. Today, we're calling on insights from three of our veteran facilitators who design, plan and lead kickoff training events that get results. Here are the leadership actions after the sales kickoff that they've seen drive positive business outcomes.
Categories: CRO Best Practices | Sales Leadership | Sales Training Initiative | Sales Transformation
For revenue team leaders, no objective looms larger or more urgent than meeting aggressive revenue goals and satisfying the growth imperative. Recent studies show that the average tenure of CROs in SaaS startups lasts between 1.5 and 1.9 years. For commercial CROs, the average tenure jumps to two years, but the point remains: if you want to make a splash, there isn't time to spare.
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Categories: CRO Best Practices | Economic Change | Sales Leadership
We recently hosted a panel discussion with several top revenue leaders in the sales industry, facilitated by sales veteran and Force Management Partner Brian Walsh. Boomi CRO Marcy Campbell, NWN Carousel CEO and President Jim Sullivan, and Battery Ventures Operating Partner Bill Binch joined us to share each of their unique perspectives on what's driving positive revenue outcomes for sales organizations in our ever-changing economic environment.
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