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Blog Feature

Categories: Economic Change  |  Sales Leadership

Our Most-Asked Questions from the Industry Leadership Panel

We recently hosted an Industry Leadership Panel where we talked to three growth-oriented business leaders about what top organizations are doing to drive success in the current market. There were a few questions we saw over and over again from the audience, so we wanted to take the time to provide some relevant resources around those topics. Keep reading for podcasts, blogs and videos from our library that address the four most commonly asked questions from our webinar about economic change. We got even more nuanced and unique perspectives on these topics from our panel guests during the event. If you missed the panel discussion, you can watch it on demand here. The conversation dove into specific lessons and action items for leaders in every industry on how to support teams, shift priorities, and drive growth outcomes in our current economy.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Cloud Computing  |  Cybersecurity  |  Economic Change

3 Critical Seller Skills for Selling Cloud Computing and Security Tools in Today’s Economy

Every industry is impacted by the ongoing economic uncertainty in recent months, including cloud data and cybersecurity sales. Whether your team sells SaaS, IaaS or PaaS solutions, you’ve likely been faced with customers changing purchasing protocols and placing higher scrutiny on budget approvals. These obstacles may present a huge threat to your company’s growth goals unless you’re able to adapt your sales approach to address these new challenges. Now is the time to support new behaviors on your sales team to help reps have greater impact and meet your revenue objectives. We’ve outlined three of the most critical skills for cloud data and security sales reps in today’s market and how sales leaders can enable them.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Economic Change  |  Sales Leadership  |  Sales Transformation

Where Alignment Means Revenue

Guiding a sales organization to growth through today's uncertain economy demands a higher level of efficiency. Changing customer needs and increased competition for budgets have the potential to expose gaps in the alignment of your go-to-market teams. Symptoms of misalignment show up as longer sales cycles, high rates of discounting, and the inability to close large deals due to buyer budget concerns. To get your sales teams firing on all cylinders and making aggressive progress on your growth goals, your most valuable tool right now is true organizational alignment. Here are three critical areas where organizational alignment supports sales resilience and growth. If you’re interested in how sales leaders successfully capture alignment in these three areas, check out this video of our recent panel discussion with three industry leaders. Boomi CRO Marcy Campbell, Battery Ventures Partner Bill Binch and NWN Carousel CEO Jim Sullivan shared insights on how they're aligning their teams for success in the current market.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Economic Change  |  Podcasts  |  Sales Messaging  |  Sales Process

Develop Proof Points That Make an Impact

Few tools in your sales team’s arsenal can move the needle like effective proof points. They verify that you do what you say you can do. The more proof points are aligned with your buyer’s industry, problem, or positive business outcome (PBO), the more effective they’ll be. Sales organizations with a process for developing and maximizing the effectiveness of their proof points can leverage these important tools in ways that create and preserve value in the sales process.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Economic Change  |  Front-line Managers  |  Sales Leadership

Leading Sales Teams Through a Challenging Economy

Changing course to weather the economic storm is a little like other initiatives that require leader visibility. To pivot successfully, you’ll need to rally the troops and build buy-in around the shifted approach. But unlike a launch, your plan for steering the ship through choppy waters comes with added background noise. Tightened budgets, longer sales cycles, and “not right now”... the realities of today’s market can take a toll on morale. In a challenging economy, it’s critical to retain and maximize the talent you have by providing support. In an environment where your sales organization may be asked to do more with less, you don’t want to risk losing your A-players. Without a clear understanding of your company’s future and plans for how you’ll move forward, economic challenges can make employees feel insecure. Your strategies to hit your revenue goals in a down economy can only be impactful if your workforce is committed to making them a reality.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Economic Change  |  Sales Negotiation

Preserve Margin with Budget-Conscious Buyers through Value Negotiation

We’ve talked a lot in blogs and other content about the importance of negotiating early and often. Negotiation isn’t an event that happens with procurement at the end of a deal, but a process of establishing and validating the value of your solution throughout the life of a deal. How does that process change in today’s environment, where buyers are hyper-focused on cost and sales teams are struggling with reduced pipeline?

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