Implementing MEDDICC
A Framework for Success

MEDDICC can be a game-changer for organizations that implement it correctly and align it to their sales process and sales messaging frameworks. Those leaders who build a discipline around MEDDICC can more accurately predict revenue and consistently deliver on the forecast.  There are many ways to implement the methodology and a sea of providers who promise lofty results. How do you know what is right for your organization? Do you need something basic or do you need an organizational program? What type of provider is right for you? 


We created the MEDDICC Maturity Model to help organizations sift through the countless MEDDICC options that are out there and find the one that's right for them. It's a framework to help gauge where you are as an organization, where you'd like to be, and the kind of outcomes you're looking to drive. In this video, Rachel Clapp Miller sits down with Force Management President and Co-Founder John Kaplan along with Chief Operating Officer Dave Davies to walk through the MEDDICC Maturity Model and discuss ways you can drive success with MEDDICC. 



Key points in the video discussion: 

2:48    Confusion of MEDDICC Providers

5:17    MEDDICC Maturity Model

6:58    Getting Started with the Basics

8:44    Letter Connectivity

11:20  Coaching to MEDDICC

12:53  Moving Beyond a Compliance Tool

14:07  MEDDICC 2.0

15:40  Embedding it into Your Sales Process

29:20  Force Management and MEDDICC

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