Maximize the Impact of Your Sales Talent Process

Build a team of the right people for the needed results

Be the Company Where Salespeople Are a Competitive Advantage

We help our clients own the hiring, onboarding and retention of sales
talent in a way that creates a sustainable competitive advantage.

Define the Critical Predictors of Success
Clearly define the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that people need to succeed in your sales organization.
Improve Ability to Interview and Onboard
Reduce burden on managers by developing a repeatable process for interviewing and onboarding based on role.


Improve Recruiting Bench
Improve your recruiting bench with customized and simplified processes that ensure the right people are in place to hit revenue goals.  


Improve Ability to Coach Based on Individual
Equip managers with the ability to tailor individual coaching and development plans to improve rep retention and output.


Top Sales Organizations & Command of the Talent® Success


Customized and Relevant

This isn’t your average B2B Sales training.

We aren’t off-the-shelf. We make it our mission to fully understand your business. Our programs are highly customized so they’re relevant to your industry, buyers and organizational structures.

The Best People for Your Sales Organization

Read our quick guide for managing sales talent:

Talent Tools for the Sales Organization

Guarantee Results in Your Organization.

Our methodology isn’t an off-the-shelf human resources initiative bogged down with cumbersome tools and guides. It’s strictly focused on enabling sales leaders and managers with a practical way  to improve how they hire and retain top salespeople.

Improved Sales Productivity

Make your reps productive faster.

With an improved process behind hiring and coaching reps, your salespeople will be on their way to attaining quota quicker and with less burden on the rest of the team.

An On-Demand Digital Content Hub that Accelerates Adoption

Ascender® is a mobile application and engagement platform that accelerates adoption by giving your reps, managers and executives 24-7 access to content, tools and resources that support your engagement.

What Command of the Talent Teaches

Create a way for sales leaders to repeatedly hire the best.
Understand the key behaviors required to be successful in your organization
Develop a cadence behind setting and achieving developmental goals
Improve the ability for managers to coach and onboard reps in way that drives productivity
Provide effective and actionable feedback to direct reports

Schedule a Conversation

“The great thing about RSA is we had really great people on board. We had to do a transformational event to up-level the current players who were on the team, but we also had to do a lot of outside recruiting. We had to go out and get the not-in-play players. The talent we have brought in, based on the Command of the Talent criteria, has really allowed us to take this business to the next level."

Mark Thurmond, Former SVP of WW Sales

Read the Full Case Study

Our Process Makes Us Different

Our experience ensures results.

  • Align and Embed
  • Deliver
  • Sustain
Align and Embed

1. Align and Embed

The value of Command of the Talent is that it builds alignment around key activities that power your teams' ability to hire and retain top sales talent. This engagement helps sales leaders take ownership of developing the talent on their teams. This phase ensures the tools we develop are aligned to your company needs and current processes. This alignment ensures that the methodology is embedded in a way that drives execution. 

In this phase, your teams gain access to Ascender®, which will provide them with daily content and regular live events that focus on qualification and value-based selling best practices.

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2. Deliver

Delivery is when the program is launched to the sales organization based on the content that was created during the previous stages. We roll out the customized tools that will drive execution in the sales organization.

Our delivery approach is focused on making the concepts practical. Concepts can be immediately applied after training. Additional reinforcement and training pre-work is managed through Ascender, our sales acceleration platform. Managers have access to our live team events that help reinforce coaching best practices. 

VN Ray

3. Sustain

During the sustain phase, we ensure that the desired behaviors are adopted in the short-term and sustained in the long-term, resulting in the necessary ROI for the initiative.

Our methodology focuses on adoption from the start so immediately after training, your leadership teams, managers and reps understand the critical activities that need to take place to leverage Command of the Talent in their work environments.

Ascender, our sales acceleration platform drives reinforcement through its daily content, ongoing curriculum, community and live events. The platform helps to keep best practices top of mind and drive consistent reinforcement.



This Isn’t Your Average Sales Initiative

Contact us for more information on Command of the Talent.