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A support statement of your value proposition. Entice your visitor to complete your cta.

Example CTA

Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Conversation

You Secured the Meeting, Now What?

There are several milestone achievements the SDR/BDR attains during the front end of the sales cycle. One is to successfully prospect, engage and finally qualify a potential prospect who will consider buying a solution to solve one, or many, of the problems they might have. You are wrapping up the call, reviewing the next steps, and confirming a date and time for the next meeting. Done!

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Productivity

Our Best Sales Tips For Handling an RFP

We are asked frequently about handling request-for-proposals, especially by our Command of the Message Alumni. What if you're late to the RFP process? What if you know your prospect is going to issue one, but hasn't yet. How can you be ready?

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Qualification

BDRs/SDRs: How to Prepare for that First Call

In the fast-paced world of sales development, you’re often confronted with hot inbound leads that need follow-up fast. According to research, your odds of qualifying a lead decrease by 21 times after the first five minutes. However, despite the need for speed, you want to have background on the prospect before trying to engage them to ensure you can provide value even during your initial connection. To strike that balance, use the 3x3 approach.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Conversation  |  Sales Discovery Process

Sales Best Practices: Attach to the Biggest Business Problem

Every sales team strives for the same essential goals: More deals, larger deals, faster closes. We all know that whom the sales person speaks to and how they move the customer through the sales process profoundly impact these goals. But in an ever-shifting B2B buying landscape, and more decision makers as part of the process, it can be even more difficult to engage the people who have the authority to allocate funds for a pricey purchase. It boils down to a salesperson’s ability to attach to the customer’s largest business problem. Salespeople who speak to low-level problems will be delegated to low-level employees. If the salesperson talks like a network administrator, they will find themselves only selling technical solutions. When you’re bogged down with conversing back and forth with those who have fixed budgets, you may close opportunities but you won’t gain any traction increasing your deal size. Remember:

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Blog Feature


How to Close a Great Sales Discovery Meeting

Sales opportunities are often won and lost on the ability for the account team or individual rep to uncover the business pain and the financial impact of the pain. The most successful salespeople are the ones who execute great discovery conversations as part of the sales process. Elite salespeople know how to use those conversations as a way to drive next steps.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Conversation

How to Structure Your Next Sales Meeting and Move the Opportunity Forward

Even the most successful salespeople have to remind themselves about sticking to the fundamentals. When we've had some selling success, it's easy to rest on our laurels and forget the basics that helped drive our numbers in the first place.

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Sales Pro Central