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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Process

Leverage Your Champion: Additional Resources

We received a lot of great feedback from our “Building Up Your Champion” podcast that we published last month. So much so that we wanted to provide some additional resources for you to further leverage the Champion relationship.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Process

Work Smarter: Don’t Waste Time on Deals That Won’t Happen

The competitive nature of salespeople mean that they hate to lose. Giving up an opportunity to make a sale just isn’t in the typical salesperson’s DNA. Like a bad relationship, salespeople can linger too long hoping they’ll be able to change the circumstances. Sometimes though, you need to focus your time and energy on an opportunity that’s worth your time.

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Categories: Podcasts

Podcast: Building Up Your Champion

Champions can be integral to your success in an account. When you have a true champion, you have an advocate who is invested in your winning the business. However, the relationship shouldn't end with closing the initial opportunity. Best-in-class salespeople lift up their champion in a way that demonstrates business value.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Competitors  |  Differentiation  |  Sales Conversation

Three Common Sales Scenarios: How to Compete and Win the Opportunity

There’s hardly an opportunity that doesn’t come with some sort of competition. Whether it’s an established vendor that has the upper-hand, or you are dealing with some internal forces that are making it hard to move your opportunity forward. Today, The Command Center breaks down how to deal with significant obstacles in your opportunity.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Conversation  |  Sales Process

Sales Tools: Write A Champion Letter or Email

A Champion can be a pivotal component to your successfully closing an opportunity. A Champion... Has access to the Economic Buyer Possesses organizational credibility, influence and power Actively sells on your behalf, when you’re not there Often salespeople can be confused if they're working with a Champion or a coach in their deals. This common confusion is why we always refer back to the definition of a sales Champion... The definition of a sales champion: A Champion is someone who has power and influence within their company and actively sells on your behalf. Champions sell for you because they have a vested interest in your success. Because they contribute to your on-going success, it’s important that you build that relationship.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Podcasts  |  Sales Discovery Process

Podcast: Five Mistakes You're Making With Your Discovery Process

When salespeople excel at discovery, they sell larger deals. Your ability as a salesperson to effectively move a complex B2B opportunity through the pipeline demands you know how to uncover high-level business issues.

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