Categories: Sales Planning
One of the greatest aspects of my job is the ability to speak to sales leaders / CROs / VPs on a regular basis and learn what their sellers do well and where they need to improve. One common theme that often comes from these conversations is the need to improve forecasting accuracy and eliminate “slipped deals”. There are many reasons why opportunities don’t close on time. Spend 20-30 minutes reviewing any “slipping” opportunity using MEDDICC and you will likely identify red flags. The reasoning behind the red flags can differ. What I’ve seen many times is, sellers are either facing roadblocks that are out of their control or they’re uncertain about what to execute on to close that deal and how long those activities will take.
Categories: Sales Negotiation
A critical way to minimize price-only sales negotiations is to provide multiple options to your buyers. In our Value Negotiation sales engagements, we often help sellers understand the concept of presenting multiple options, coaching them on how to execute in front of their prospects. This article covers some of those concepts and the steps you can take in your opportunities to present multiple options and sell more.
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Categories: Sales Productivity
If you’ve been selling for a bit, you’ve been through your fair share of SKO events, sales training, sales methodologies, eLearning courses — the works. While some of these sales trainings may seem repetitive, others may have had a positive impact on your career. The way you approach these initiatives is directly correlated to how much value you get from the trainings. Elite sellers show up to sales training events with an understanding that this moment could have a significant impact on their quotas and their customer’s ultimate success. Show up with a mentality to maximize results and ensure you get value from your next sales training. Here are a few tactics you can use to get the most out of any sales training.
Categories: Sales Conversation
Value-based selling demands an understanding of a basic buying process, the stages that guide a buyer from determining their requirements to actually signing a deal. Improve your ability to progress your prospects through these stages in a way that leads a buyer towards your solution and away from the competition (including a do-nothing or do-it-internally competitor). Focus on providing your prospects business value throughout your sales process.
Categories: Sales Conversation
There’s as much differentiation in how you sell as there is in what you sell. The most successful salespeople don't stand out from the competition by touting the features and functions of their latest product. Rather, they are diligent about articulating customer value and practicing good selling fundamentals. A salesperson who focuses on value and solving problems with business impact will make a lesser competitor nervous every time. Use these best practices to differentiate yourself with your prospects and stand out from the competition.
Categories: Sales Productivity
Role plays can play an important role in your ability to execute great sales conversations. They ensure you aren’t practicing your sales message in front of the customer. They allow you to test your agenda/question flow for gaps and prepare ways to pivot based on how the customer responds. When role plays are executed correctly, they provide valuable takeaways for everyone involved. Here are some best practices to ensure role plays are worth your time.