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Categories: Podcasts  |  Sales Discovery Process

Why Your Active Listening Skills Are Crucial to Hitting Your Number

Great discovery questions can only get you so far if you’re not prepared to really listen to the answer in a way that enables you to dig deeper or pivot decisively. Listening is just as crucial, yet not always the easiest to master. Many people think they are good listeners, but sadly miss the mark. Active listening is a key skill that elite sellers possess — and they are able to speed up their deals and close at better margins because of it. Understand what preparing to actively listen looks like and how you can refine your listening skill set to sell more, faster.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Conversation

Remember these Phrases to Sell More Deals

If you’ve been around Force Management for any bit of time, you know that we have some phrases we repeat often. Here are three: “How big is the problem?” “Help them get to a place they can’t get to on their own” “What you do matters” They’re simple, but powerful reminders for any of us in sales. Put them on your mirror. Write them down in your journal. Instagram them. Recite them over and over as you develop sales strategies and progress your opportunities.

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Categories: Sales Conversation

Three Ways to Improve Your Sales Messaging

Nothing moves a deal forward like a sales conversation that’s focused on the fundamentals. If you want to command your message, you need to practice and zero-in on the basics, consistently. Moving opportunities forward and closing them at high-value — are two critical areas even veteran sellers are struggling with right now. Improve your sales messaging and minimize risks to your forecasted deals with this quick refresher of three things to remember every time you make a sales call:

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Conversation

Virtual Selling is Here to Stay: Maximize Your Results

Remote selling is no longer just a tactic used in part of the sales process. It's becoming the way companies do business. Previously, salespeople may have had to conduct some conversations remotely throughout the sales process. Now, it’s becoming increasingly more likely that the entire enterprise sales process will be a remote endeavor for the foreseeable future.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Discovery Process

How to Reignite Stalled Deals

Mitigate the risk of deal stalls once and for all. Understand why stalls occur and three ways to avoid them. You’ve got numbers to hit, and your buyers still have problems they need to solve. With the pandemic, you may find that stalled deals are “unavoidable”. Buyers may seem unable to move forward — fortunately, there are strategic ways you can compel them to action. We’ve broken down the three main reasons why deals stall and how you can overcome these challenges.

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Blog Feature

Categories: Sales Conversation  |  Sales Process

Signs You’re Working for a Company That’s Staged for Growth

Towards the end of the fiscal year it’s not uncommon for many sales reps to consider new opportunities. Whether it seems like you’ve exhausted your territory or the current economic environment has left you to reevaluate your company’s growth potential – you need to feel confident you’re in the right spot. Is your sales organization primed for success? Are you working for a company that will accelerate growth? The answer generally comes down to the evidence of sales effectiveness as it pertains to how the sales organization will support you in these three areas:

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